While immigrating to New York, you need to make sure that you get the first quality Immigration Attorney to guide you through the process. It is said that there are over 8000 people with Immigration Attorney status in the US. There is no need for me to explain that out of the above 8000 people only half of them will be reputable and trustworthy. Therefore, you need to have a complete guide to follow in choosing an Immigration Attorney.
He/she should be a member of the American Immigrations Lawyers Association [AILA]. This is the most important thing to be noted. Go through the fee structure of at least 3 different immigration attorneys. Get to know whether they charge you on hourly basis or just a flat fee.
Ask some of the immigrants from your country about their experience with a particular immigration attorney. This might help you in selecting the best Immigration Attorney.
Contact the local Board of Professional Responsibility of your state to know whether that particular attorney has been positioned under any disciplinary action. If they have been kept under any such action, don't opt for them. Find out whether he/she is up-to-date with the current immigration law. And choose an attorney who specializes in immigration law. If you opt for an attorney who practices everything including the immigration law, check if he/she has been consistent with their performance from time to time on immigration cases.
Ask the attorney for a list of individuals for whom he/she might have appeared as an immigration attorney. This will help you in knowing their performance and quality over immigration cases. Another important factor to note is the number of years an attorney has been practicing immigration law. The new attorneys might not have great experience when compared with the experienced attorneys, but still they might have the confidence and might know the current trend of the immigration law.
Don't go for an attorney who handles more number of cases at a time, since it will reduce the probability of your case getting enough attention and hence might result in a bad way.
Be careful to select the appropriate person since the chances of getting your application passed totally depends on them. They are going to guide you through the process and the presentation.
About the AuthorFor more information about Immigration Attorney NY please visit:- Immigration lawyer NY
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