Ferrofluid is a liquid material made up of tiny pieces of magnetic particles. Very often these materials are things like iron, magnetite, and cobalt. These pieces of material are actually so small that for all intents and purposes they remain in a liquid state, as long as they are coated in another substance that keeps them from sticking to one another. One of the things that people find so fascinating about this substance is that in the presence of a magnetic field each one of the particles, that make up the liquid, become magnetized and the whole thing condenses into a solid.
A ferrofluid is actually a very easy and safe substance to make. Because of how simple it is to create, many individuals enjoy making it in order to see how it will react when it is in a magnetic field. The ingredients an individual needs to make his or her own ferrofluid are readily available. Those ingredients are:
• a shallow dish
• vegetable oil
• napkins
• iron filings, which can be found at most local hardware stores
• a magnet
The process to create one's own ferrofluid is very simple and includes the following steps:
• Coat the bottom of the shallow dish with a thin layer of vegetable oil.
• Pour the iron filings into the vegetable oil and mix the two ingredients until they become very thick.
• Using a napkin, wick away any excess moisture (vegetable oil) in the ferrofluid.
• Attach a magnet to the outside of the dish to place the ferrofluid into a magnetic field. This will cause it to solidify and take on the shape of the magnetic field. Simply removing the magnet will allow it to liquefy once again.
• When it comes time to dispose of the liquid, do not pour it down any type of drain, because it will create a clog.
Ferrofluid was originally created by NASA scientists, in order to confine liquids in a zero gravity environment. The military uses this substance to coat several different types of aircraft, to make it possible for them to fly undetected into areas that are monitored by radars. In addition, ferrofluid has become a popular substance to use in the creation of certain types of sculptures.
Ferrofluid is already used in several practical ways, including in high-performance speakers and in low friction seals. Scientists are looking into ways to use this material to create liquid body armor, as well as how it can be used as a tracer material for certain types of medical tests. Because of its unique properties, science and industry can tailor make ferrofluids that will meet their specific needs. This means that there are possibly infinite amounts of ways that this unique liquid can be used.
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