Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Benefices of Mixer Taps

Mixer taps are the recreation or say the innovation of modern century to give a stylish looks to the bathrooms and kitchens. Apart, from elegance it is known for its reliable performance, superior quality, and doubtless durability. The taps have been an important accessory for bathrooms and kitchens for its features, chic, and user friendly reliability. They are much preferred in modern homes because they specially designed for bathrooms and kitchens by using less space providing elegance.

Mixer tapsare highly recommended by interior designers and experts for their multi-purpose features, high level of functionality, concentrated beam of water, pull out sprays of water, aerator filters, and pressure controller. The biggest advantages of taps with two separate channels over traditional taps are it gives hot and cold water from the same tap with two valves. You can also control the warmness and coldness of water as per your requirement.

However its seems like mixer taps are the recent add-ons to the bathroom and kitchen accessories but in reality they have been designed and patented by Thomas Campbell in 1880 to control the pressure and temperature of hot as well as cold in water. But in real sense they have come to usage in the modern era with the desire for fashionable trends.

dvantages of Mixer Taps

1: - Now bath taps have also started to implement the taps with separate valves to adjust the hot and coldness of water instead of mixing it from two separate taps. The mixer taps with the power back up of thermostatic mixing valve which helps to create the right water pressure with temperature and eradicates all chances of burning from excessive heating of water is also eliminated.

2: - In looks, disposition, style, elegance, and space usage mixer taps are more superior in comparison to traditional taps. The former provides elegance with less space because of using the mechanism of two valves they supply both hot and cold water from the same tap. They give a fashionable looks to bathroom and kitchen with added features for conveniences.

3: - The mixer taps are liked in today's context because of their resistance to leak and quick damage. They use ceramic washers instead of rubber washers by traditional taps to make sure that you are not troubled by leakage of waters from taps.

4: - It is proved that mixer tapssave almost 20% of water as its thermostatic feature allows controlling the pressure and temperature of water.

Apart from all its features of thermostatic controlling of temperature, providing hot as well as cold water as required, ceramic washers to avoid leakage, and water saving ability it is also recommended for diverse designs, colors, and price range as per your preference with accordance to budget.

About the Author

For more information about Baht Mixer Taps, please visit www.tapshop321.com

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