Sunday, September 11, 2011

USB Flash Drives- Your Greatest Marketing Tool!

USB flash drives are now the favorite of many businessmen and self-employed individuals not only because they use them to contain their projects but also because USB flash drives are excellent promotional materials. They do look handsome, don't they? Definitely more handsome than regular CDs, in my opinion.

Lots of photographers today put their projects and portfolios in USB flash drives. This is an intelligent strategy because putting your portfolio in attractive USB Flash Drives is a great way to advertise your business. When one prominent client carries your USB flash drive, and it has your name or website printed on it, then they're promoting your brand effortlessly. And the best thing about it is that these clients PAID for the USB flash drives. How clever is that? People will pay you for your advertising! Too clever.

Another advantage is that USB flash drives have this hip, modern appeal so there is a bigger chance people will actually contact you. The disadvantage is that it requires that prospects have a close contact with the USB flash drives in order for it to work. You cannot sell when you're not that visible. But this ‘close contact' is much better because your chances of getting a call are higher. You're not just aiming your gun to random people, you're aiming them at the right bunch.

Here's a scenario to illustrate my point: If your past client who's wearing your USB bracelet is an event coordinator, then he's in the circle of event coordinators, which means you're advertising is very, very close to your market. They might have a presentation somewhere and your past client takes off your USB flash drive and plugs it in his laptop. The people he's with would notice that- especially if they're all just strangers waiting for topics for small talk. And you know what happens…they'll talk about your company.

So the most important thing is that you should come up with creative designs for your promotional USB flash drives. In my example above, it would not work if the USB flash drive he's carrying is just simple. It just worked because its design is something that's worth talking about. You don't expect people to say "wow, lovely USB drive…so smooth and shiny". That's just too weird. Everything about your USB flash drives –color, materials, shape, etc- should reflect your company and your clients. And if possible, the design of your USB flash drives should be attention-grabbing.

You do know you can customize the design of USB Flash Drives, don't you? Yes, you can. There are USB flash drives that can be worn like wrist bands (perfect for sports- related businesses), there are USB flash drives that can be worn as pendants (perfect for those that are always on the go), there are USB flash drives with flashlights (perfect for campers), and a lot more! Actually, lots of USB Flash Drives manufacturers can now create any design you want.  This is great news for everybody.



About the Author

I hope your business or career would flourish because of my simple tips. My company, Unified Manufacturing, designs and manufactures creative USB flash drives. If you want to see our works, visit If you want to get a quote, you can e-mail me directly at Thanks for reading my article!

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