Thursday, September 29, 2011

Old World Design, New World Security

There is no such thing as being too secure with one's home and yet design and creativity can often be hampered by the needs of security in a modern world. One solution above many others when it comes to doorways and entrances is iron. Whether used as an ornate gated entranceway to a garden or other outdoor space of a home, or when used as iron front doors, the creativity and design elements from the old world are alive and well, offering endless opportunities.

The look of a home is often as important as the safety that home provides, and iron will always add a touch of old world charm, a simultaneous simplicity and complexity that is seldom found in other materials. The iron is heated and bent in any number of unique and customizable ways resulting in virtually endless possibilities for application to a building or other structure. From elaborate and ornate to sleek and simple, iron offers the gamut of creativity and design options.

Iron front doors will not only prove secure and most difficult to penetrate, they will also hold up to any type of weather. There is very little chance that iron used as gating, fencing, or entrances, will ever break or buckle and they will forever add confidence to a homeowner that they have chosen a wise and yet stylish material to use in their home. Wrought iron, whether used in doors, windows, gates, or railings, will never require painting or regular resurfacing, meaning less maintenance combined with the built-in security and of course curb appeal.

Practically speaking, iron offers a security in the form of keeping pets from getting out as much as it can serve to keep unwanted visitors in the form of both animal and man from getting in. Iron allows windows onto the world and yet with a safety that glass simply can't match. The elegance of the hand formed designs offer safety with comfort, avoiding the jail cell feel of a simple barred entrance or window. In addition, iron has more uses than simply as a screen used in doors, windows or outdoor barriers. Staircases have long been formed from wrought iron, often grand spiral stairs which instantly add classy appeal to a home or building.

The world has changed much in the past number of years, over time going from a simpler time to one where security and safety must be not just taken into consideration but purposefully employed in basic architecture and design. Thankfully, the best of the old world does not need to be forgotten and in fact can now serve as exactly the solution for both security and elegant design. With iron front doors, the world of both is greeted every time one leaves their home and remembered every time they return.

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