Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Playing Halo Online With Your Custom Mod Controller

Microsoft has made it big with Halo; nobody would have thought that this game would strike gold in the market especially because the storyline is not new. As a skilled soldier, you travel from planet to planet fighting monsters with different powers. The multiplayer mode has received laurels from critics in the sense that it not only supports a large number of players but the online gameplay is smooth and balanced. It tends to get boring after a while if you get too good at the game or if you keep losing frags all the time.

How do you improve?

Unless you are a natural FPS gamer, the skill cannot be really be cultivated but with long hours of play. If you are looking to get good immediately, one of the best ways is the custom modded controller. Not only can you change the appearance of the controller the way you want it, but you can alter the controller configuration to cater to your requirements. Irrespective of the number of hours you play, your fingers need not get tired if you have altered your controller keys settings that makes you feel comfortable. You can buy Xbox 360 modded controllers from most services; the rapid fire mod lets you fire normal weapons at the speed of semi-automatic weapons. This gives you a definite edge over other players in the game.

Game mods

 It is an obvious fact that you're modding your controller to cater to a certain game or set of games. It would be better if you can find pre-customized mods for your modded controller for PS3 instead of designing the mod specifications from scratch. For instance, Halo Reach has been reported to have a low firing rate with a generic controller, while it can be significantly improved with a custom modded controller. Most websites understand the requirements of gamers through information gathered from forums or through previous mod requests. 


What else can you do with the mod?

 The gamut of Xbox and PS3 controller mods is not limited to just gameplay. If you are bored of the way your controller looks, you can choose to alter the color combination of the casing and the buttons. Further, you can even change the LEDs and the light bulbs of the buttons and the triggers and make them rumble-sensitive. The shape and size of the casing and buttons can be changed too, giving your PS3 modded controller an overall facelift. 

About the Author

Eric Bernard is the manager of who promotes its products throughout Australia. You can find a large range and variety of modded controller for PS3and custom modded controller  at his website -->

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