Tuesday, September 27, 2011

To Repair Or To Replace: What To Do When Your Refrigerator Breaks In Orange County, California

When your refrigerator stops working, it can be difficult to know if you should find General Electric refrigerator repair Orange County CA or if you should give in and buy a brand new appliance. Both options seem to have a number of benefits. What is for certain, however, is that you need to make a decision quickly. The California climate lends itself to food spoilage, especially in the summer, and a slow response can quickly lead to a fridge full of rotten food. Fortunately, there are a few thing you can think about to make your decision easier.

The first step in deciding whether to repair or replace is to find out as much as you can about the problem. Make sure that the cord has not come unplugged and that the circuit is not blown. Check for any spills that could have dripped down inside the refrigerator and make sure that there are no cracks in the inner or outer walls of the appliance. Look for water seeping out around the bottom of the fridge, or dripping down the walls inside. Check to see if the motor is still running or if there are any odd smells coming from the machine, particularly melting or electrical burning odors. The more information you have about the problem, the more accurate your cost estimates will be.

Once you have made a list of your refrigerator's symptoms, it is time to price General Electric refrigerator repair Orange County CA. Look up a number of reputable companies online or in the phone book and give them a call. Describe the problems you are having and ask them how much repairs will cost. Make sure to ask if the quote includes the cost of any parts that are needed, since some companies do not include parts in their original estimates. To get the most accurate quotes, make sure to only call companies you would consider hiring.

Once you know approximately how much it will cost to repair your current fridge, you should price potential candidates for a new fridge. Once again, make sure to only price models you would actually consider buying. Focus on what you need in a fridge and stay within your price range. As a general rule, if buying a new fridge will cost less than twice as much as repairing your old one, you should go with the new fridge.

As with any financial dilemma, your decision to repair or replace is, ultimately, a personal one. It is important to remember, however, that older appliances are prone to problems. What starts as one General Electric refrigerator repair Orange County CA can quickly turn into an endless series of breakdowns. Paying more money for a new fridge now may actually save you money in the long run.

About the Author

Please visit our website <a href="http://abacusappliance.com/washer-repair-service-orange-county.shtml">here</a> for more information or visit our <a href="http://cvcourt.com/to-repair-or-to-replace-what-to-do-when-your-refrigerator-breaks-in-orange-county-california/">blog</a>. Thank you.

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