Thursday, October 6, 2011

Technical furniture: functionality first of all

When we choose the furniture for our houses we certainly try to choose the pieces of furniture that can make our life easier and that are as functional and practical as possible, but we cannot deny that also the aesthetic factor plays a major role, and it is essential in the choice of our house and flat. On the contrary, dealing with technical furniture functionality is prior, although we cannot deny that also when we speak about this special types of furniture, especially as far as office furniture is concerned, also the aesthetic factor must be taken into consideration: an office where you meet clients or where important business meetings take place must also look fine: it is true that you should not judge a book by its cover, but it also true that the look of your office matters because it gives visitors a first impression of your company. For this reason it is important to choose pieces of furniture that mirror the style of the company, exactly as you do when you choose the furniture for your own house.

However, we must admit that in many cases, when you choose the pieces of furniture for your company, the furniture style and the aesthetical factor are kept in the background. This is the case, for example, of those companies, or better to say of those spaces of the company, where clients and visitors are not supposed to enter, or where the functionality of furniture is not only essential, but also prior. This is when people choose metal furniture or furniture made of other types of resistant materials, or that are easy to clean, without worrying about the style of the furniture. Metal, for example, is one of the most widely used materials in the field of technical furniture, and it is used to realize pieces of furniture like cupboards with reinforced hinged doors, or with metal shelves, or to build very solid workbenches and their accessories. Although metal has recently been also aesthetically reasserted, as evidenced by the fact that it is used to realize also kitchens, bathrooms and many pieces of furniture for the house in general, we cannot claim that metal is especially used for its aesthetical value. Also when it is used to realize modern and design furniture, very often people prefer to mix metal elements with elements realized with other materials.

Also in the office, a space where it is necessary to mix nice furniture and functionality, the best solution is that of using both metal elements (for cupboards, archives ... ) and wood pieces of furniture (for desks, for example). In this way you will have the functionality that you need and at the same time you will be surrounded by pieces of furniture that are also nice to see.

About the Author

This article was written by Francesca Tessarollo with help from mobili giardino. For more information, please visit garze sterili or contenitori plastica

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