Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Neodymium Magnets A Smart Buy, But They Come With Risks

Many of the industrial workers and craftsmen who seek to purchase neodymium magnets buy online, as the Internet provides the largest selection of both retailers and prices. In fact, many retailers offer bulk and wholesale packages, which can significantly reduce the cost over buying the pieces individually. However, the warnings that accompany most offers of neodymium magnets should be read carefully, as the intense magnetic strength of the products can lead to physical injury.

Magnets are commonly used in a range of industrial fields, particularly in the areas of manufacturing and processing. Neodymium magnets are especially preferred for industrial uses, as the strength of the magnetic field makes them highly effective for removing the tiny particles of ferrous material from industrial product. Multiple magnets are typically installed along conveyor belts and throughout pipes or chutes to catch the particles that can lead to contamination and for this reason many companies who use neodymium magnets buy in bulk.  

Purchasing wholesale is one of the best ways in which users of neodymium magnets buy at a significantly lower price. Wholesale magnets generally have the same quality as those purchased at retail, although the mass production of the magnets allows them to be sold at a lower cost. For most industrial companies, this can amount to a significant cost-savings in the production cost of their product. Craftsmen can also lower their overhead by purchasing wholesale, which can lead to a lower retail price when it comes to selling their products to the public.

Regardless of whether the users of neodymium magnets buy retail or wholesale, however, there are warnings concerning the safety of the magnets that should not be ignored. Neodymium magnets are the strongest magnets in the world, which means the risk of erasing the information contained on bankcards and computer hard drives is increased when the magnets are placed too close. The strength of the magnetic field can also damage cell phones, televisions, and watches, leading to expensive repairs or replacements if the magnets are not handled with care.

However, there are also a number of physical dangers surrounding the use of a neodymium magnet, which include the possibility of injury from the airborne debris that is drawn to the magnet. The crushing of fingers or other body parts is another common injury, as the force in which the magnets are drawn together can shatter bones. A less obvious but no less dangerous risk of neodymium magnets is that they may also destabilize devices such as pacemakers and defibrillators, with larger magnets affecting the devices from a greater distance.

Magnets are used in nearly every area of industry, both in the processing of manufactured goods and as a part many finished products. Neodymium magnets have become particularly popular due to their superior strength, and many users of neodymium magnets buy wholesale to reduce the cost of production and processing. The warnings concerning neodymium magnets should be clearly understood before purchase, however, as the strength of the magnetic field poses both physical and non-physical dangers. Whether the users of neodymium magnets buy individually or in bulk, the Internet often provides the greatest resource for comparison of both products and prices, and offers the greatest selection to choose from for virtually any industrial or personal need.

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