Sunday, October 2, 2011

Finding a Job in Today's Economy - How You Can Do It

Times are tough...  Even the strongest of companies are going out of business, people with years of experience are being laid off, and consumers just aren't spending like they used to. It all adds up to a job market that's tougher to crack than ever.

So, how do you buck the trend and get a job?

1. Don't panic.

It can seem like a tempting solution when you've been given a pink slip - or you see others are getting laid off and you fear you could be next. However, this is a time where you really need your wits about you. If you can't think rationally, you're never going to get out of the unemployment line.

2. Make finding a job your new job.

Just because you're out of work doesn't mean you can catch up on your daytime TV. Instead, get up at the time you normally would for work and spend the entire day looking for a job.

In addition to being a great use of time, spending the day looking for work - instead of eating bon bons in your PJ's - will help you avoid the depression and anxiety that can come from being out of work. You won't feel as lonely when everyone else heads off to work for the day, because you've got a "job" of your own.

3. Network, network, network.

Call up friends and family members. Get in touch with friends of friends. Spend more time at the clubs and organizations you belong to. You never know what kind of doors they can open for you.

The more people you talk to, the more likely you are to find a potential job opportunity. If you can have a bunch of friends - and even acquaintances - keeping an eye out for you, it's like having a whole team of job-hunters!

4. Polish your resume.

It's one of those things you always intend to do - but never quite get around to. Now that you have the time, it's time to clean up your old resume. Remember, your resume is your chance to make a good first impression and it's going to be competing with hundreds of others. It has to stand out!

5. Tap into the world of social networking.

Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn aren't just for entertainment and social purposes; they can also be very valuable job-finding tools! You can use them to meet new people, share information, and find out about job opportunities as soon as they're available.

Also upload your resume to websites that allow it. That way, potential employers will be able to find you too.

6. Look for events that can help you.

Things like job fairs and seminars can be a great way to find out about new opportunities. And, even if they don't lead to a new job or an interview, they can provide you with valuable tips and resources that can help you in your search.

7. Look in the newspaper.

Lots of companies may opt for advertising positions in the newspaper - instead of the internet - because they won't get crushed with a pile of resumes that way. Remember, there's more to research than the internet! Your local newspaper can help you find jobs right in your neighborhood.

8. Talk to your alma mater's career counseling center.

Your old college or university's career center is equipped to help more than just recent grads. They might be able to help you find some job leads, even if it's been years since you graduated.

Or, if you didn't go to college, take a trip to your local community college, and see if they offer career services for the general public.

9. Think outside the box.

If your industry as a whole is in the tank, it might be time to come up with something new. Is there another field your skills would be a good match for? Would you be interested in going back to school so you can jump into a new career?

Even though you're going through a tough time, it's also the perfect time to make a fresh start!

About the Author

Tony Mase is a serious student of the works of Wallace D. Wattles and the creator of an amazing website that'll take you by the hand and guide you step-by-step down Wallace D. Wattles' proven path to wealth, health, success, happiness, love, and more. Check it out now at:

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