Saturday, July 23, 2011

Get the Hottest Lead with Lead Scoring

Buyers today are in total control of their buying process. They have become wiser and know what and when they need to purchase. They have access to complete information online about a product, its performance and their competitors. They have access to performance reviews about the product and rather than take a hasty decision they like to compare the product and its performance before buying.

According to a recent study by Gartner, "up to 70% of sales leads are not properly leveraged or are completely ignored, thus wasting marketing program dollars."
This has made businesses realize the importance of building a relationship of trust with the customer and most B2B companies are turning to marketing automation solutions to streamline their business functions and to understand the immediate needs of the customer and how to provide improved and customized features to satisfy them.

Marketing automation platform provides sales and marketing solutions for lead generation. Qualification of leads is critical to Sales' effectiveness and success. One of marketing's key challenges is to identify leads that provide the best opportunities for the sales team. By tracking your prospect's behaviors and web activity, you can determine their level of interest in your product. Only by combining both these factors you can send truly qualified leads to sales.

According to Gartner "By converting segmentation criteria into business rules how leads are rated, or scored, providers see an immediate boost in lead volume and lead quality but up to 70% of sales leads are not properly leveraged or are completely ignored, thus wasting marketing program dollars."

In most enterprises, leads are generated by the marketing team using the most accurate lead scoring model comprising of both explicit (static) and implicit (behavioral) data. Using one lead scoring model will not give enough insight so marketers experiment with multiple scoring models. Lead scoring with its tremendous value helps in driving demand and improving lead nurturing effort. It helps marketers see what moves, identify trends, adjust to what works and drop what doesn't.

Lead scoring quantifies the value of a lead, based on his profile, behavior, demographic and likelihood to buy.  It is not about who will buy but who is ready to engage in a further discussion. Social media also plays an important role in lead scoring as some maximum interaction level of prospects takes place in the social media and marketers track and evaluate their responses and participation in social forums.

Apart from this information on these customers or leads can be accessed through various other sources also such as trade shows and fairs, online contests, website traffic, etc.

Lead scoring can give your company a head start and can enhance your Marketing team's efforts and to help your sales team reach prospects who are ready to buy.

About the Author

Know more - lead nurturing programs, lead management system

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