Sunday, July 24, 2011

Drain Cleaning

In South Florida, we use our appliances, sinks, and showers daily. But, how often do we think about cleaning them? And what about the pipes connected to them? These pipes can potentially harbor hazardous mildew, germs, and bacteria. One of the most serious infestations that can be found is black mold. In order to keep your family healthy and your home clean, drain cleaning should be a consideration.

There are two obvious signs of clogged drains. First, the home owner may experience a foul smelling odor. This is most often caused by trash and food waste. Usually a foul smell signals that germs and bacteria are also present. This presents a risk, as cross contamination can occur with nearby food preparation. With the interconnection of household piping systems, foul smells can move from one room to another. Secondly, a slow drain can signal a clogged pipe. This can be seen when one is taking a shower and the bath tub fills. Or water filling in the sink while one washes hands. This is most often caused by toilet paper, hair, toothpaste build-up, etc. Blockages occur in the pipe and cause water to rise to the top and drain extremely slow. This can result in a tub or sink full of stagnant water.

Before calling a plumber, the home owner may want to combat clogs and odors with regular cleaning. First, run hot water for a few minutes through the system daily. This helps to maintain proper flow. Secondly, try an all natural cleaner. Mix 1 tbsp. Of baking soda with ¼ cup vinegar or lemon juice. Let it sit for 30 minutes and flush with hot water. This solution can be perfect for small clogs, like paper or hair. It causes a chemical reaction without the use of harmful chemicals. Be careful with store bought drain cleaning products. These solutions have strong chemicals and can cause damage when used incorrectly or too frequently. They can eat away at surfaces, seals, and pipes. Use with caution. Lastly, leak detection is also associated with drain cleaning. Water pipes should be checked for water leaks, which can cause unwanted debris to enter the house.

DIY techniques are helpful, but years of grimes, mold, waste, and build-up can wreak havoc on a system Plumbing services with a professional drain cleaner can do a thorough job. A trustworthy, local plumber can decide the most suitable course of action to meet the home owner's individual needs. This can save money and prevent larger issues from occurring.



About the Author

For more information about Drain Cleaning and Plumbing Services. Please visit:-

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