Sunday, July 24, 2011

Benefits and Drawbacks Of Availing Credit Card Services

Credit card services have become the indispensable part of e-commerce. Today people are much more comfortable carry a tine plastic card in their wallet rather than carrying heavy cash. Majority of the shops have started accepting credit card payments and their usage is increasing day by day. Most of the business houses both the online and the offline are accepting credit cards. The customers also prefer this mode of payments. Credit card services offer a number of benefits.


Credit Card services give you greater flexibility to purchase goods. You no longer have to plan your purchase and carry sufficient money for that purpose. Whenever you want you can buy products of your choice by just swiping the card. It gives a wider choice for the customers as they don't have to worry about the insufficiency of funds. Nowadays due to the increasing rate f crime and theft people no longer prefer to carry heavy cash along with them. So Credit card services are a better and safer option.

Similarly a Credit card service allows better accountability. Unlike cash purchases for which unless you keep account of its impossible to keep track of the expenses. But in case of Credit card services you get the monthly statement which will clearly detail the purchases and other charges for the month. This helps in record keeping and also in planning your monthly budget. You will know the expenses and could also save money by reducing them.

Another important benefit offered by Credit card services is for the online shoppers. A few years back e-commerce was not so popular. But with the advent of credit cards services many of the online store have started accepting the credit card payment online. Thus the customers are able to enjoy a completely different sort of shopping experience. They could browse through the company site and select products of their choice into their shopping cart. By making use of the payment gateway they could also make the payment online. All this is possible by availing the Credit card services.

Credit card services are a kind of short term loan and as such their interest rates are lower when compared to other short term loans. Moreover you could also get rewards and other additional benefits by availing Credit card services.  Certain types of Credit card services also offer extra miles for frequent flyer and also provide insurance covers.

Apart from the benefits there are also some drawbacks of using the Credit card services. Many of the credit card holders will indulge in impulse buying tendency and the ymay end up buying products and services that they actually cant afford. As the real cash is not being given people tend to think that money is not spent. Credit card is nothing but money spent is spread over a period of time.  Similarly if the balance is not fully paid at the end of the billing cycle you may end up paying really heavy amount towards late fees and interest. As you can see much of the drawback of the Credit card services can be clearly avoided by proper and careful usage of the card. By planning your budget and spending only as much as you can afford will help in overcoming these drawbacks.

The numerous benefits offered by the Credit card services will offset the few drawbacks related to it. A wise and planned usage of the Credit card services will help in reaping its benefits.


About the Author

The author is specialised in providing credit card processing and merchant services. To know more about credit card processing and merchant services visit

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