Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Making your Office Space Look Bigger

The less you have of something, the more valuable it becomes. In this case, the limited space you have for your office must be maximized. There are several things you can do to make your office space look bigger. None of them require major renovations. As a matter of fact, most are only visual tricks designed to fool the brain into thinking there is more space.


Light colors are reflective, while dark ones absorb. A dark wall has the tendency to draw attention to a focal point, like a wall. This dominance effect will make the room look smaller. Conversely, a light–colored wall reflects other elements in the room and a more open and airy environment. However, it is possible to use dark colors for walls. You can use dark walls as accents instead.


Office furnishings also help. The style of your furniture is even more important that its size. Select seating pieces that have open spaces underneath them rather than upholstery. Because you can see under the pieces of furniture, it does not stop your eye, so the room feels bigger. Glass table tops can be seen through, so they don't take as much visual space even though they may be the size of wood tables.


Mirrors are an excellent way to make a room look larger by reflecting space as well as light. You can also try standing a large, framed mirror against your tysons va office space wall. It will seem like an open doorway to another room, seemingly expanding the available space. Remember, though, that a mirror must reflect something bright – a white wall, for instance.


There is nothing that can make an tysons va office space look small more than having too much stuff in it. Clear out the clutter in your office, and you will see a significant improvement. If you can't get rid of some things because you feel you might need them some time in the future, get them out of view. You can place them behind doors, table skirts, or on shelves, in an organized manner.


With these in mind, your small tysons va office space does not have to look small. Whatever the case may be, you will have to make some compromises in your decorating and organizing, then make some adjustments to make everything fit.

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