Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Money Saving Event Solutions

In this difficult financial climate, finding ways to save money is a priority for many organisations. Unfortunately events are an important part of business and are something that cannot be cut from the agenda completely. There are some very innovative ways however that you can save money on your events. By working smartly you can tighten the budget while maintaining a high standard. Here are some ideas on how you can save money when it comes to organising and hosting an event.

Hire an event management team

This may sound like poor advice, but the reality is that a professional team can spend time seeking out the best deals on your behalf and implement a host of cost cutting measures. If you take time away from your business to organise the event you could well find yourself losing out in the long term. A professional event management team will scout around for the best deals, will manage the budget expertly so it doesn't get out of control and will be able to spare the time to ensure all the very last minute details are taken care of. Another benefit is on the day itself, you can relax and enjoy it instead of rush around attending to last minute problems. This is well worth the upfront cost of hiring the team on its own!

Choose a low cost venue

Venue hire can often be one of the most expensive parts of an event. You can choose wisely however and keep costs down. Are you organising a conference? How about a local village hall as the venue? Not only will a trip to the countryside be a blessing for the attendees, the room hire cost will be considerably lower than choosing a hotel or conference centre as the venue.

Provide local catering

Hiring in house catering facilities at a hotel will always cost a lot more than sourcing the catering from a local company. If you are using a hotel venue then you may not be able to provide refreshments from an outside company however, so bear this in mind when considering venues. If choosing a venue such as a village hall however then bringing in catering may well be possible. Your event management team will be able to find a cost effective catering company and save you a fortune.

Hire audio visual equipment

If you hire visual and audio equipment then you don't need to prepare individual materials for the attendees. Advise those coming to bring paper and pens and use high quality audio visual equipment as the main source of course materials. The printing costs really do add up so going without is well worth it. It is a good idea to ensure that you set up your own audio and visual equipment too. This can save you money as you don't need to pay someone else to do it for you.

Go without invitations

Printed invitations can be expensive. Instead use email or even notices to invite attendees or delegates to the event. Go one step further by organising an online booking registration website. This saves a huge amount of time, effort and money too. Everything is done online these days anyway so take advantage of this and save some money in the meantime.

As you can see there are some great ways you can save on events. By implementing these event solutions you will be able to shrink the budget considerably. From choosing low cost audio systems to carrying out your own audio visual system installation and opting for cheap venues, there are many ways you can pinch the pennies and save money on your next business event. 

About the Author

Sarah Shore writes articles for Piranha Audio-Visual, a specialist in supplying of audio systems for companies, where uses include background music and vocal public address systems for conferences. As well as this, Piranha's audio visual system installation includes much more than just PA systems, with audio visual furniture available, as well as projectors and plasma televisions. Try contacting Piranha today, your event problem may well be one of their many event solutions.

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