Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The many advantages of a fixed phone service

Phone lines in a fixed position in your home or office are a perfect solution to the communication nightmare that we face when disconnected from the rest of the world.

Imagine that horrible feeling that you get when you either leave the house without your mobile phone, or when you learn that your home line connection is yet to be installed in your new home or office.

A terrible feeling

Imagine that same feeling, but multiply it a few hundred times and you will know how it feels to not have a phone line connection in a remote area of the country. This is why coverage is important for phone line subscribers. There are very few companies that can boast almost countrywide line coverage.

BT are in fact one of those companies, as they can supply BT line rental to almost every part of the country, with other novel solutions for parts of the country that aren't covered by their fixed line service.

As part of the line rental service, you will have a fixed home or office line on which to call people. This is a great advantage over using postal services to send messages. You will save incredible amounts of time, money and effort when compared with sending messages via postal services.

The other advantages are mainly in the fact that a phone service with BT line rentalis available as and when you need it, but a postal service may not be. It is a lot like a bus service versus a car of your own; one is there whenever you need it, whereas the other you may have to wait for.

Another fine advantage over sending a letter or perhaps an email in this modern age is that a phone will provide you with instantaneous reactions to your queries, and so you can then amend your plans in real time. A letter will simply give you a solution to a problem a few days after you had it, by which time it may be a problem no longer.


There are advantages for a landline rental over a mobile phone service. Of course a mobile phone is the best option when on the move, as a home phone will be useless the second you leave your home. However, for those who feel they only need a mobile phone even when making calls from home, there are some other interesting considerations to take into account.

The most important consideration is that a fixed phone line will always be available and cannot lose signal, whereas a mobile phone can be out of range or lose signal inside buildings. Additionally, a home phone that is fixed cannot run out of battery, in comparison to mobile phones which regularly do this, which is a constant worry to many.

For more information visit: BT line rental

About the Author

BT line rental provides rental services of telephone connection as people sometimes prefer to have a rental connection then a fixed one. As a line rental service is better than a mobile phone which avoids network issues.

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