Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Islam Is Fascist

Fascist Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world.  What has some people concerned is not so much as the growth of the religion, but the beliefs that many who are practicing Islam are holding and spreading forth to others.  Islam is Fascist in that it stifles any other form of thought, including other religious beliefs and often does so with threats of violence.  Those who oppose Islam can be subjected to murder in some countries, even in western countries where there is a general belief that all religions are welcome to be practiced. 


In order to learn about how Islam is Fascist, it is important to take a look at other examples of fascism throughout history.  The Nazis were a good example of fascism.  Adolph Hitler took power and then systematically killed millions of people, many of whom perished in concentration camps under horrific circumstances.  These people, mostly Jews, were stripped of their rights in the country in which they lived all of their lives, their businesses and money seized and their families shipped out to concentration camps where many of them perished.  They were seen as an inferior race, not worthy of living, because of their religion and race.  Fascist Islam is actually promoting the same type of idea. 


Islam is not very tolerant of any other religion.  In strong Islamic countries, such as Saudi Arabia, there are no other religions allowed to be practiced other than Islam.  While in the West, churches, temples and mosques are built to accommodate all religious beliefs, in this country, even the practice of Christianity or other religions is not only banned, but actually punishable by death.  This is seen as an affront to the Islamic religion. 


Anything that is seen as an affront to Islam is condemned so harshly by those zealots in the Islamic world that people in western countries who have written books, created films or even drawn cartoons have been marked for death.  People are afraid of depicting anything negative about Islam because they are afraid of getting a Fatwa issued against them, which is pretty much like an old wanted dead or alive poster that used to encourage bounty hunters to track down and kill criminals.  The only difference is that with a fatwa, the person is wanted dead, not alive.  Author Salmon Rushdie was a wanted man after he published his book The Satanic Verses and had to go into hiding because of his depiction of Islam. In fascist countries,  art forms such as books and films are often the first to go - Hitler got started burning books that were against his way of thinking as well.  In fascist countries, there is but one way of thinking and any deviation from this sort of thinking is punishable by imprisonment at best, death at worst.  This is seen as more of a threat than terror attacks by many in the west who enjoy freedom of religion as well as other basic freedoms that they have had all of their lives.  They do not want to conform to Islam, although most of those in the western countries do not care if others wish to practice this religion. 

About the Author

Fascist Islam is a fast growing religion that has some people concerned.  This is because Islam is Fascist in the fact that they stifle any other way of thinking other than Islam.  To find out more go to Western Civilisation. 

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