Sunday, July 24, 2011

What Makes A Quality Menu Cover?

Menu covers are very important to a restaurant, as they are one of the first things that a customer sees when they walk in and sit down.  Quality menu covers can be difficult to find, as many restaurant menu covers for sale have a short lifespan and are of poor quality.  They tend to wear out very quickly, looking old and rundown in no time, and giving your restaurant a bad reputation.  Just like the wall art, color theme, and layout of table and chairs, menu covers should also be part of the overall restaurant design.  When picking out your menu covers, some may not know how to tell the difference between something that is going to last and something that is not.  Here are a few helpful tips to help make the process a little easier.

Threading is very important, as poor quality thread that breaks easily will obviously not stand the test of time.  Threading on your menu cover should be strong and resilient, as menus travel amongst many people every day.  Choosing a menu cover with a high quality bonded nylon thread that uses double stitching, will give you a better, longer lasting result.

Secondly, some manufacturers save costs by not turning under the edges of their products. This results in a cheaper looking product that is not durable and will not last very long in your restaurant. Be sure you menu covers are all manufactured with quality turned edge binding.

Finally, the quality of the vinyl is another crucial factor because it must be resistant to oils, grease, and other types of moisture.  You will want to make sure that it has a scrim supported backing and is of sufficient thickness to provide high impact strength and to prevent possible tearing or cracking.  Clear vinyl should also lay flat and be fairly thick, as poor quality imported vinyl normally gets wavy over time.

As you can see, there are many factors to take into consideration when choosing menu covers for your restaurant.  If you are spending good money to help improve your restaurant, why stop at the menu covers?  They draw people in and deserve to be of good quality.  Keep in mind what makes a good menu cover and purchase your perfect ones today!

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