Friday, July 29, 2011

What Is Environmental Consulting?

In the past, many large companies, particularly those involved in industry, have been accused of having too great and environmental impact on their surroundings.

Environmental consulting can provide companies with an opportunity to take stock of how they are impacting on both the local and the global environment and the steps they can take to reduce that impact.

As governments and the general population become more aware of the effects that certain practices is having on environmental issues such as global warming, the decimation of landscapes and the health of local communities, more and more legislation is introduced which is intended to combat these elements.

Many of these policies involve reducing waste, reducing emissions, recycling, reducing power usage and ensuring that surrounding water and air is not contaminated or polluted. Environmental consultancy is essential for many companies as when they consult a professional they can rest assured that they will have all the necessary knowledge regarding the legislation they must adhere to.

An environmental consultancy firm will highlight any issues within a company and make recommendations on how environmental impact could be reduced. For example they can suggest alternative ways of running machinery that do not require the use of fossil fuels in short supply such as coal and oil. Or the company could use a cleaner version of the fuel they already favour.

Environmental consultancy would also highlight the need and possibility for recycling. Many industries produce enormous amounts of waste which then goes into land fill. Much of this waste can be recycled and as the recycling industry grows the cost of recycling reduces.

The possibility of reducing the amount of power a company uses will also be assessed. Many factories and similar establishments actually use far more power than is necessary and simple measures such as turning off machines when not in use can have a significant effect on power consumption.

Another extremely important factor that must be done to the exact letter of the law is the disposal of waste. This means that companies who produce large amounts of waste must ensure that they are disposing of it legally and causing as little impact upon the environment as possible. For example if contaminants are involved the company must ensure that no harmful substances reach the local water supply.

As more and more legislation regarding the environment is introduced consulting an environmental consultancy firm is often the only viable option for companies. Doing do ensures that company's can be positive that they are adhering to laws and doing as much as they can to reduce their impact on the environment.

About the Author

For more information about environmental consulting visit

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