Sunday, July 24, 2011

What is a DNV Container Used For?

A DNV container is used to ship goods overseas.  They are built to withstand the harsh conditions of the sea.  They are made to take a beating and hold up to the seas when they get rough.  They can withstand the salt air better than a regular container can.  They are certified and must be recertified every 30 months.  These containers are very large and can hold a large volume.  If you need to ship overseas and want your product well protected you will probably want to purchase a DNV container.

There are many locations where you can buy DNV containers.  They are for sale all around the world with some locations in Houston and other cities in the US.  You can locate a container manufacturer that makes and sells DNV containers by looking on the internet.  If you intend on shipping to overseas customers you are going towant to purchase one of these.  They are reusable so it is a good investment in your business.

If you aren't planning on shipping overseas then you may need an intermodal container instead of a DNV container.  Intermodal containers are usually made of steel and are very large like DNV containers.  They are made to be moved by rail and by ship although they may not withstand the conditions at sea like a DNV container.  Trucks will usually move both DNV and intermodal to the ship and the train for loading.  Both of these containers are generally made of materials such as steel which can withstand a beating.  They generally have a loading area in the top or the end, depending on what you are planning on shipping in them.

Big manufacturing companies that do big business overseas will have several containers.  They will have DNV containers and shipping containers of various sizes.  If a manufacturing company only deals with extremely large orders they may not need anything more than intermodal containers and DNV containers.  Smaller production companies may use containers that are made of corrugated cardboard to ship through the mail.  They may use crates and other containers to ship products around the world.

Although a DNV container is not used for storage there are plenty of other containers that can be used to store excess product in.  ISO containers are pretty much the same as an intermodal container and can actually be used for shipping and storage.

If you need to ship a lot of product overseas and you want to make sure that it makes it there in one piece you will want to purchase a DNV container.  Your products are loaded into the container at your plant and then delivered to the ship by truck.  There it is loaded onto a ship for the trek overseas.  Once it reaches the port it will be offloaded onto a truck and taken to it final destination.  Remember to have your DNV containers recertified on time for safety measures.  Know that these containers can withstand a lot so you won't have to worry about your products making it safely to their destination.

About the Author

For more interesting information, you should visit: DNV Container


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