Sunday, July 24, 2011

How the Internet Brought Business Together

Forgetting that having the world wide web so readily available in the workplace allows staff the opportunity to check their social networking profiles, blogs and undertake countless other non-work activities, the internet is actually pretty handy when it comes to making business more efficient. Aside from the obvious improvements like being able to email files and documents as well as the chance to sell products in online shops instead of from physical locations, the internet has made it a lot easier to undertake other types of business too.

For example, collaborating on projects together has become easier than ever for staff, whether they're located in the same office or are situated remotely from one another. Thanks to the internet, a variety of services available online has made it simple for collaborators to work on projects together. Using programmes such as instant messengers, social networks, online business tools, voice and video conversations and file sharing, as well as desktop sharing, co-workers can seamlessly work together on a big project and find it easy to not only stay on top of how the project is advancing but, using the excellent tools at their disposal, advance the project in ways that they and you may never have thought of without the addition of the internet.

Another excellent thing about online collaboration is how simple it makes it for the boss to check in on things! With access to business tool accounts and the chance to ‘sit in' on video conference calls, group IM chats and similar communicative instances, you'll be able to stay up to date on exactly how the project is coming along without even leaving your seat – meaning you won't have to fall behind on your own work just to make sure everybody else is doing theirs!

Online collaboration also allows the collaborators to present the finished project together, even if they are in remote locations! Thanks to video conferencing and remote desktop style features, even absent staff members can get involved when presentation time comes around. So if you're trying to come up with a way to get a few of your workers to complete a task together, let the internet come into its own by getting them to use online collaboration tools and you could end up surprised at the finished product! With all of the incredible tools available to business workers through the internet, it makes sense to use it to its full potential.

About the Author

Paul Buchanan writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.


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