Sunday, July 24, 2011

Benefits Of Abdominoplasty

Abdominoplasty, otherwise known as a tummy tuck, is where excess fat and skin is taken from the abdomen to give it a thinner and shapelier look and feel. There are a number of important benefits associated with this form of cosmetic surgery.

A Better Appearance

A major reason why a lot of people choose to have abdominoplasty is to improve their appearances, and unsurprisingly, it can be really effective. Such surgery is able to decrease the waistline and give the body a more attractive shape. In certain circumstances, for example, after pregnancy or due to excessive weight loss, the skin may have been stretched so much that it's virtually impossible for the stomach to correct itself. A tummy tuck is able to achieve this, however. Stretch marks found underneath the navel can also be removed during this operation, while the appearance of others is greatly diminished when the abdominal skin is stretched. All in all, it can leave the stomach with a better shape and tone.

More Confidence

If an individual is overweight or, in the opposite position, has lost a lot of weight and suffers from excess skin, it can be embarrassing. This can not only affect trips to the beach but also how people socialize. Abdominoplasty can, therefore, seriously improve someone's self-confidence and give him or her true sense of self to feel proud of.

Tighter Muscles

Abdominoplasty not only improves the appearance of the tummy but also how it feels physically. Due to pregnancy, and occasionally due to age, the muscles can lose strength and cause the stomach to sag. This is known as rectus diastasis. If caught early on, it's possible for the muscles to be strengthened through regular exercise. However, if the damage has been too severe, then a surgical procedure might be the only answer. Today, it's possible to get endoscopic abdominoplasty, which involves no skin being removed, thereby reducing the appearance of scarring.

Excess Skin Removal

Excess skin can be caused for a number of reasons including age, weight loss, and pregnancy. Such skin can cause a loss of self-confidence in your body image and affect how people socialize and build relationships with others. It can also lead to physical aliments, for example, fungal infections underneath the folds of skin. Therefore, tuck surgery in this instance can help prevent both psychological and physical issues.

Long Lasting

It's possible for the results of tummy tuck surgery to last for a long period of time, provided that the individuals look after themselves properly afterward. If the surgery is used as a boost and a new start into a healthy lifestyle, then the benefits as highlighted above can be present for years after the procedure is carried out.

Abdominoplasty, or a tummy tuck, removes excess skin and fat, for example, after pregnancy or weight loss. It's a great way to boost confidence and help improve self-esteem in an individual.

Abdominoplasty can provide a number of benefits to an individual, and not all of them are simply aesthetic. In certain circumstances, it can be the only real way in which to boost someone's confidence and give them back their true sense of identity.

About the Author

Abdominoplasty, known more commonly as a tummy tuck, is the surgical removal of excess skin and fat from the abdomen and waist to improve contours and tighten the muscles. For more information visit the site

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