Saturday, July 30, 2011

Trademark Registration Is Good For Business

Do you own a business and you would like to have a trademark that is distinctive for that business?  Many companies have trademarks.  They distinguish that business from another that is similar in its goods or services.  There are many companies who are known throughout the world and a lot of that has to do with the trademark.  They are good for business.  Having a trademark shows you are serious about your business.  You want to let it grow and succeed.  If you are ready to do a trademark registration you are going to need to know how to go about it and what all is involved.

Trademark registration can be done online with the Intellectual Property Office.  Many things are considered intellectual property.  Patents and trademarks are just a couple of them.  Applying online is the easiest way to register your trademark.  You will have to fill out some paperwork and pay using an online service or a credit/debit card.  The application is going to ask you about your business.  You must let the Intellectual Property Office know what type of business you have.  Do you sell a service or goods?  Different services and goods are classified differently.  There are classifications for goods that will number 1 through 35.  36 through 45 are services.  Whatever your business there is sure to be a classification for it.

A trademark is a name or logo or the combination of both that you use for your business.  You will have to register that name or logo to make it part of your property.  There could be another business that is already using that particular name or logo.  You cannot use the same trademark as someone else.  There are many fast food restaurants.  Another restaurant cannot open and use the logo or name of a restaurant that already exists.

There are rules to trademark registration.  You cannot register a trademark that describes the product or service.  You cannot use an egg shape logo to advertise eggs.  It cannot contain any words that are considered offensive or have anything pornographic in it.  If the name promotes illegal drugs it is prohibited.  You also cannot promote something about your business that is untrue. There are other rules to registering your trademark as well.  You can learn more about the rules at the Intellectual Property Office.  They have an online site that will be very helpful to you.

Once you start a trademark registration it will take about two months or a little longer for the process to be completed.  After it is accepted by the Intellectual Property Office it will be published in the trademark journal.  Other companies will then be allowed two months to make any objections to the trademark.  It could be that it is too close to their own and they need something to be changed in it.  You will then have to make the changes and reapply.  Once you have your trademark, no one else can use it for their business without your permission.  Your business now has a proper name that no one can take away from you.  Getting a trademark for your business is really good for business.

About the Author

If you are interested on more information, please visit the following website:

Trademark Registration

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