Monday, August 8, 2011

Using Facebook Applications for MLM Recruiting

Are Facebook applications destined to be the next big development in the realm of Internet/attraction marketing?  If you're in the MLM/network marketing niche, particularly using the Internet to generate leads, you may find this to be the case.  Maverick network marketer David Wood is exerting his considerable influence in his most recent campaign and, incorporating many proven concepts in his next generation MLM recruiting system on Facebook.

Facebook applications represent an extremely powerful business tool, as well as a familiar interface to many that are used to Farmville and other prevalent Facebook games.  Due to the expense, Facebook applications have only been used by very large companies or those that can afford the usual $2-3000 development costs.  Affordable tools are starting to be made available, particularly in the local marketing realm.  David Wood may be the first to develop a Facebook application specifically for network marketing recruiting purposes.

David pioneered the use of article marketing strategies for the network marketing community (we request of those with other examples to leave a comment on this article), when many believed it to not be possible.  What he did was merely demonstrate how a homeless person living in a van, could tap into the Internet, as a complete marketing newcomer, and develop a following of over 30,000 in under two years.  Now in continuing his bold vision, he has developed a new "Government-Approved" Facebook application as a viral presentation method.  In conjunction with this new tool, he is driving massive traffic via his followers, many of whom have become rabid article marketing "machines," under his leadership.  Here are the features included in the system he's put together:

  • Use of Facebook application to generate leads and to make the presentation
  • Training included for MLM lead generation and recruiting
  • Replaces the usual infrastructure, e.g., squeeze page, etc.
  • Tracking of referrals delivered by each distributor to the Facebook application

Anyone who is serious about their MLM business should at least understand what their competition is up to.  At least you'll know why you're getting left in the dust.

To see for yourself what all this commotion is about, please visit the following Facebook application link and make your own evaluation.  You'll see why David Wood and company are putting up numbers the likes of which have never before been seen in network marketing, or the Internet itself.

About the Author

For more information on using Facebook applications in your MLM/network marketing business, check out the following link and see the orignal content on David Wood's innovative marketing system.

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