Saturday, August 6, 2011

Unraveling Chinese

What makes learning Chinese different from any other language is the fact that there are several varieties of this language and one cannot precisely pinpoint a single version to be the one representing the entire Chinese language. There are around seven different versions of Chinese languages with Mandarin being the most widely spoken one. Therefore it is termed more of a family of languages than categorising as one.

It is estimated that about one-fifth of the world's population speaks variety of Chinese as their native language. As the world braces for change in the balance of economic power from the west to the east, China has emerged as the leader of the pack from eastern part of the world as a dominating force. Soon China is going to be what United States of America was to world in the 21st Century.

Since China is the second largest economy of the world and is soon expected to surpass USA for the top spot, it has become the hub of all major global activities ranging from business to leisure. So it has become all the more important to learn Chinese so as to gain economic opportunities and take advantages of the booming economy.

The official language of China is the standard Mandarin and is one of the six languages of the United Nations. A variety of courses are available online that can fulfill your wish to learn the language spoken by about 1.5 billion people on Earth.

However it is vital to make sure that the online language course provider meets your requirements of learning the language. Your need may vary from basic i.e. limited to learn how to speak the language to advanced which means having advanced writing skills.

Being a widely spoken language it is not at all difficult to search for online language courses for Chinese but finding the suitable one can take some time. Make sure that video instruction forms a part of the course as it will give you a better understanding of expressions, connotations and provide an opportunity to interact with the tutor as well.

For those who are seeking translators of the Chinese language need to understand that there is a wide grammatical difference between English and Chinese. There are no plural or singular, no gender difference (the context determines the gender), no difference in verb endings etc. So it is necessary to do a thorough research before looking for Chinese translation service. It is better to seek the services of translating agencies that have native speakers or native linguistic experts as they know the intricacies of the language better than any other. Also they should know the different varieties of Chinese languages like Mandarin, Wu, Yue etc.

Another important point to be noted is that Chinese is not inflected i.e. There are no tonal or vocal changes to denote moods, instead a word at the end of a sentence is use to denote such. There is a difference between the spoken and written words which are often independent of each other. The sequence of word which seems natural in one language may vary and seem unnatural and stupid in another. It is in all these contexts that make it vital to hire a translating agency that employs professionals having a practical knowledge (they can be university professors, teachers etc.) of the language.

If you are looking for online language course or Chinese translation service then VirtualElingua is the best option for you. We provide high quality software localization services throughout the World.

About the Author

Jeff is an experienced writer who loves to write articles for business translation service and marketing translation services

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