Thursday, August 18, 2011

There Is No Golden Age In Islam

There is no golden age in Islam as of yet.  Arab devastation is responsible for a great deal of pain and suffering, especially in the western world today.  Many people think of Islam as a very backward religion. They point out the way that the religion treats women as second class citizens as well as promotes such things as child abuse and even murder in the name of the religion.  There are many who fear this religion that they do not understand and of which they have heard so many negative things.  However, for the most part in the western world, those who have been taught to be tolerant of differences, particularly when it comes to differences in religion and particularly those who are not very religious themselves, the idea of Islam has yet to catch on. 


Arab devastation such as terrorist attacks and murders are downplayed today in much of the media.  There is an attempt to not only downplay any of these attacks which have been made in very recent years and include various terrorist bombings that have killed thousands in countries all over the world, but also the political aspect of the movement that seeks to force their beliefs on others.  Those who speak out against what is happening across the globe are usually dismissed as fanatics.  Christians, on the other hand who do harm to others, even when it is not in the name of their religion, are blasted throughout the press.  One example is the recent shooting of students in Norway that was carried out by a man who did not agree with multiculturalism in that country and was against Islam.  This attack quickly became an attack against Christianity and likened to Islamic terrorist attacks, which are not allowed to be called Islamic terrorist attacks any longer for fear of offending Muslims. 


Because people are comfortable with their way of life in the west and have been living the same way, or at least close to the same way, they feel that nothing can threaten them.  They do not understand the mentality of those who would kill themselves and take out others along the way in the name of a religion.  However, this is continuing to go on throughout the world.  The lack of understanding on behalf of those in the west and the desire to remain tolerant of everyone and anyone is being exploited by those who seek to not only convert, but kill anyone who does not convert to their way of thinking.  Because people refuse to believe that anything can change their way of life that they enjoy, because they feel so secure in their way of thinking, they refuse to believe that there is any sort of threat.  While there is no golden age in Islam as of yet, one may be coming very soon to a community near you.  This will be the enacting of Sharia Law throughout the land and the elimination of any other religion other than Islam.  If it occurs in one country, it will occur in others, even in the west.  Many believe that this is the objective of those who believe in Islam. 

About the Author

Although there is No Golden Age in Islam , one may be coming soon in the world as radicals continue to gain power even in western countries.  Arab devastation has taken place across the globe in the name of this religion.  To find out more about this, go to Western Civilisation. 

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