Monday, August 8, 2011

The Passing of a Legend

I remember attending an Anthony Robbins seminar when I was about 16. I begged and pleaded to go and eventually my parents gave in and my mother and I went to Darling Harbour for the weekend to check the "BIG MAN" out.

Fantastic event. And I enjoyed it so much I ended up promoting Mr. Robbins several years later.

After that, I had learnt what I feel I needed to learn and haven't attended any of his events since.

But he was someone who influenced my thinking and progress along the way.

Now what most people don't realise is that Anthony Robbins mentor was a guy named Jim Rohn.

And you might have heard that Jim Rohn passed away yesterday.

That made it a sad day.

Over recent years, we have lost some true legends.

Gary Halbert in the world of copywriting.

Michael Jackson in the world of music.

Patrick Swayze in the world of acting.

Christopher Reeve, the world's Superman.

And now Jim Rohn in the world of motivation.

So I thought I would dedicate today's email to Jim Rohn, the father of motivational speaking and the guy who has influenced many thousands of people over the years.

And what better way of doing so than by talking about one of his famous quotes:

"Don't wish it were easier, wish you were better."

After all, that's the way it can feel in business sometimes, can't it?

You find it tough to get customers.

Client don't pay on time.

Jobs fall through.

Employees leave you in the lurch.

The reality is business can be very, very tough at times.

I can remember my first year in business... wondering where the money was going to come from every single week... living from hand to mouth... it all felt like an uphill struggle.

I got locked out of one business.

I almost got kicked out of my apartment.

I sometimes felt like throwing in the towel.

But I was inspired by mentors like Jim Rohn to keep going, even when I felt like giving up.

I knew that if I could just get that piece of knowledge... if I could master the art of getting more customers... of getting my message across... then I would succeed.

And a lot has changed since then.

But let's face it. Business never gets any easier.

Those who succeed just get better.

They put in the discipline...

"For every disciplined effort, there is a multiple reward" - Jim Rohn

They manage their time because they understand that...

"Either you run the day or the day runs you" - Jim Rohn

They take time to learn something new every day because...

"Formal education will make you a living; self education will make you a fortune" - Jim Rohn

They start to give more, understanding that...

"Giving is better than receiving because giving starts the receiving process" - Jim Rohn

They learn to have discipline. After all...

"Affirmation without discipline is the beginning of delusion" - Jim Rohn

They ask for what they want. Think about it...

"Asking is the beginning of receiving. Make sure you don't go to the ocean with a teaspoon. At least take a bucket so the kids won't laugh at you" - Jim Rohn

And the understand the power of ideas, because...

"Ideas can be life-changing. Sometimes all you need to open the door is just one more good idea." - Jim Rohn

We lost a legend recently.

Someone once said "when you are born you enter the world crying while everyone else is rejoicing and when you die hopefully you have lived such a life that everyone will be crying while you are rejoicing."

And I believe Jim Rohn lived such a life.

About the Author

Scott Bywater is a direct response copywriter and the author of Cash Flow Advertising and More Customers Made Easy. Although Scott is accepting very few clients, he generously shares his experience on copywriting at his web site at

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