Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Koran Is Supremacist

The Koran is supremacist which has many people worried who do not follow the teachings of this holy book.  The Koran is the holy book of Islam and is pretty much like the Christian bible in respect that its teachings are read and followed by believers of this religion.  However, Koranic supremacism distorts Islam and promotes a supreme race as well as religion with no room for any other train of thought or anyone who does not go along with Islam.  This is what has many people concerned throughout the world, particularly in the west which has seen an influx of Muslims in the past two decades. 


Most people in the west do not care if someone else practices a different religion than them.  They are taught to be tolerant of other faiths as well as other people.  This is something that has been taught in these western countries for years.  Sure, there have been a lot of problems, especially in countries like the United States that had legal slavery nearly 200 years ago and laws that prevented black people from being equals up until about 50 years ago in some parts of the country.  However, generations of American are taught to live and let live.  This is even more so in European countries which are generally more tolerant and more secular than the United States. 


However, Koranic supremacism does not go along with this program.  The Koran is supremacist in that anyone who does not practice Islam is considered to be an infidel.  While a fundamentalist Christian will usually be taught that anyone who does not follow Christianity is going to hell and should be prayed for, the fundamentalist Muslim will think that anyone who does not follow Islam is going to hell and will be happy to send them right on their way.  There is no praying for them to change their way of thinking or for their soul.  There is death to infidels.  Now this is not carried out by the average person who is practicing Islam. In fact, it should be argued that the average Muslim wants nothing more than to just live a comfortable life with their families, enjoy life and practice their religion.  But it is the fringe elements that can take the Koran literally and wreak havoc. 


And they do wreak havoc in the name of that religion. There have been terrorist attacks, fatwas and killings very recently in the name of Islam.  These have gone on throughout the globe and in many different countries.  Many see this as an attempt to start a new type of crusades in the west with people being forced to believe in Islam. This type of supremacism and intolerance for anyone who is not Muslim has many people worried, particularly those who are not very religious as they are not willing to die for their religion and cannot understand the mindset of those who are not only willing to die for Islam, but also take others along with them. 

About the Author

Koranic supremacism is a threat to the western world.  To find out how the Koran is supremacist go to Western Civilisation. 

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