Sunday, August 14, 2011

How to use someone else's blog to find your next client

In the online world, there are numerous ways to find clients for the products or services you're offering. Putting up a professional website, blogging, being active in different social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, doing a Google Search, networking… these are only some of the methods one can find clients online. But did you know that you can actually use someone else's blog to find your next client?

Yes, guest posting or even just commenting on someone else's blog can help you reach new clients who may be interested in obtaining your products or services. And you don't even have to be a blogger to be able to do this.

Relevant personal brand

The key here is to get the attention of the clients you want. This means that the blogs you choose to comment on or guest post in should be relevant to your personal brand. If you're an internet marketer, for example, it wouldn't really help your campaign to find clients if you're going to guest post in a graphic designer's blog. Obviously, the ones who visit that blog are interested in graphic design, not in internet marketing services.

In addition to being relevant, some other things you should look for in a blog is one that accepts guest posts and one that has a good number of active audience. After all, if it's a blog that doesn't really get a lot of visitors and people who are actively commenting, then your guest post or comment will not really get the attention you want.

Now that we've looked at what we need to look for in the blog we participate in, let's see what we need to do to become noticed and be found by clients.

Being found

First, your guest post or comment should be related to the blog as well as your niche topic. After all, the owner of the blog wouldn't accept your post if it doesn't meet the guidelines he set up. Also, comments such as "Great post!" or "Nice entry!" aren't going to be noticed by potential clients. To get attention, you really have to think about your comment, contribute to the discussion and show off your personality. You can even make suggestions that are relevant to the post, which can really make other people notice your comment among all the others.

Also, if your guest post gets accepted, make sure to respond to all those who comment on it. You should also help spread the word about your guest post by posting it in the social media platforms you're active on, such as Twitter and Facebook.

The more people who will view and read your guest posts and comments, the more potential clients you will be able to reach.

One last thing to remember is that it's not enough to simply guest post or comment on a popular blog and then hope for the best. You should take this opportunity to network with your peers and form better connections with people involved in the same career.The more connections you have, the more likely the chance that you will be able to find your next client.

About the Author

"Maria Elena Duron, CEO (chief engagement officer), buzz2bucks | a word of mouth marketing firm, is skilled at making networks "work" and harnessing powerful online and offline buzz, she facilitates online visibility services and word of mouth coaching and workshops – taking companies and professionals from buzz-worthy to bucks-worthy,"

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