Sunday, August 7, 2011

Excellent results for BIT 2011

The people who work in the field of event planning knot it well: BIT, the fair that has been held since 1984, is the only event in Italy to be entirely dedicated to the events and everything concerning this field, from catering to transports.

The latest edition of the fair took place in Rimini between the 30th of June and the 1st of July, and now it is time to estimate the data regarding this year's expo. The most meaningful and outstanding data is the increase of presences: over 3,700, with an increase by 8,82% in comparison to last year. A result that should not be underestimated, and which reveals that this edition was notably appreciated by both exhibitors and visitors.

One of the reasons that explain the increase of presences is certainly the wide offer, even wider and more diversified than in the past years (this year there were also some representatives of the field of non conventional marketing, communication and technology), but the success of BIT was also due to the consolidation of the location in Rimini. The city has hosted the event only for two years, and this year the organization, thanks to the experience acquired in the past, has certainly improved. And thanks to the modern fair quarter and the experience in the field of reception that the cities of the region Emilia Romagna have in their DNA, Rimini has shown to be the ideal city to host such an event.

Apart from the data regarding the number of attendees, there are other interesting number to reel off: 313 exhibitors, 278 hosted buyers (representatives of companies, associations and agencies specialised in the field of events, meetings, incentive travels and conventions) coming not only from Italy, but also from abroad, and 60 press representatives. Numbers that give an evidence of the importance of the event and that have persuaded the organiser of BIT to optimistically announce the next edition of the fair, which will be held on the 21st and on the 22nd June 2012.

But the success of the event should not be unexpected, as the expo is considered as the ideal meeting point for event planners and promoters, who are given the possibility to meet and build interesting business relationships. BIT is such an important and awaited event not only because of the business offer, but also for its education and training offer: the program of the fair always include many seminars, workshops and debates that are always appreciated and useful to those who take part in them. During these debates, indeed, people are given the chance to look into issues regarding various aspects of the sector, from mounting to market strategies, from the development of the sector to the instruments to grow from a professional point of view. This year, in particular, there have been 27 training events.

Gabriella Ghigi, BTC manager, has spoken about this edition of the expo in a proper way, describing it as an event that has been "rich in opportunities and that has offered something to all the players of the chain". Now you only have to wait for the next BIT: save the date!

About the Author

This article was written by Francesca Tessarollo with help from illuminazione professionale. For more information, please visit attrezzature per catering or noleggio attrezzature catering.

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