Monday, August 8, 2011

Engineering Firms: How to Hire Qualified Engineering Services

Have you ever had to hire an engineering firm?  If you have you know it is often a tedious process with many variables.  Engineering firms come in many sizes from one consultant to firms that have consultants from all different disciplines within engineering. How do you find the right consultant for your job big or small?

There are several different types of engineers.  There are primarily four main fields of engineering including civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and chemical engineering.  Most every other type of engineering can be included in a subcategory linked to one of the main fields of engineering.  Believe it or not each subcategory can easily be broken down further.  This is why hiring an engineering firm is so complicated.

There are five main objectives that need to be looked at when hiring an engineering firm for your next project.  Follow these tips when hiring an engineering firm to help when your manpower and expertise is not enough.

  • Qualifications:  Ask yourself when you start looking for engineering firms what are the requirements for the project.  This will make it far easier to narrow down which firm's offer services that will help you lead to the project's completion.  Look into several firms qualifications and immediately eliminate any firm who you don't think will be able to fulfill the requirements set forth in the project.
  • Statement of Qualifications:  What do you have to do when you are interviewing for a new position?  You have to send a resume in attached with a cover letter proving yourself, right? Have the firms you are interested in do the same for you.  Write with them giving them a short description of the project you wish to hire them for to inquire about the firm's interest and qualifications.  Give them a specific date to send their interest, qualifications and references into you by.
  • References: Before you actually hire the firm is when you need to check around and see work that has been completed by them.  Word of mouth is a valuable tool to use in hiring anyone for any project.  The same holds true for engineering firms.  If someone has recently had a good or bad experience with a firm they are likely to share that information with you on your quest to find an engineering firm to work with.
  • Spreadsheet:  Once you have an established list of firms you are serious about hiring you will want to make a spreadsheet to compare the firms based on a few different areas.  Some things you might consider comparing are the firm's reputation, their location in comparison to the job, experience with a project similar to yours, how they are compensated, availability of qualified personal, their schedule in comparison to your time line and other important aspects to you.
  • Selection: When the selections process is coming to a closed you will find that these steps have narrowed your choice down to the most appropriate firm to work on your upcoming project.  You will come to a mutual agreement on the scope of the services they will provide to the project and write up a contract based on those items that have been agreed upon. 

The selection of an engineering firm is never an easy task.  Reward often comes with hard work and I believe this is true when hiring any individual or corporation to work with.  Engineering firms should have to work hard to gain your business just as you would when looking to be hired. 


About the Author

If you have enjoyed this article from Kevin Germain at CPS please visit today.  You will find useful information on engineering firms.

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