Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Druggie and the Con Man

Life can be pretty funny sometimes.

For instance, there are two people I have loved most in my life who when they first met me...

One thought I was a con man.

The other thought I was a druggie.

Let me explain...

I first met a very dear friend of mine at a SWAP networking conference.

A few months after that, I called him (after only meeting him once). He was running a marketing company. I had just gotten into my hairdressing business and was struggling.

I asked him if he wanted to joint venture with me and hand out free haircuts to his clients.

Probably not the best fit.

Anyway, as a result of this offer, for months this guy thought I was going to try and con him out of something.

But that didn't last forever...

We ended up working in the same office building and he ended up becoming my best friend. We shared a lot of laughs together.

And one of the saddest days of my life was seeing him pass away in his thirties due to a rare skin disease.

I bawled my eyes out that day because my friend, Francesco, the Skin Warrior, never lived his full life.

He did, however live long enough to work out I wasn't a con man. And also long enough to inspire a lot of people with his passion for life, his motivation, and his determination despite all the challenges he faced along the way.

Whenever I feel challenged, I think of my old friend and what he would do. Because I don't think I've ever met a more positive person who managed to maintain his positive outlook despite so many things going against him.

The other person in my life who thought I was a druggie was my wife.

That's because when I first met her at Sydney's Bridge Bar one balmy night, she said I had haunted eyes.

But no, I wasn't a druggie - I had just been to hell and back in a failed business.

Sleepless nights...

Living in halfway houses...

Dealing with staff who would shaft you at a moments notice...

And wondering where the next dollar was going to come from...

Constantly looking at the guys on the street and thinking "Will I end up like them?"

Things have changed since then. I have managed to get my head around how business works, learned to approach people in a way which develops trust, and I'm under a lot less stress.

So if you saw me today, you wouldn't think I was a druggie. And hopefully you wouldn't think I was a con man either.

However, at the back of our heads whenever anyone promotes something to us, we are always wondering:

Is this guy for real or is he just after my money?

Will they deliver on their promise?

Do they have a proven track record?

And that's why it's so important to generate a lot of testimonials.

As well as understand how to write ads, sales letters and web copy that answers your customers' objections, explains what benefits you have to offer and makes it attractive for them to take action now.

About the Author

Scott Bywater is an advertising copywriting expert and the author of Cash-Flow Advertising. To gain access to all of his copywriting tips on how to get more customers via his eye opening "Copywriting Selling Secrets" newsletter, simply head on over to his web site at

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