Monday, August 15, 2011

Conducting and Analyzing Your Survey

After you have designed your survey by constructing a questionnaire, you start to conduct your survey. When you conduct your survey, you make a plan that outlines how and to whom you give your surveys to. There are many ways in which you can find a sample group among your survey population once you conduct your survey.


There are two different types of sampling procedures you can choose before you begin conducting your survey. You can use the probability sampling methods if you want each person in a sample population to be selected. The simple random sample is a probability method where you draw a sample randomly from a list of individuals in a population. The systematic selection procedure sample is a variant of a simple random sample you can use by choosing the first individual and so on randomly.


The stratified sample is another probability method you can use. This involves dividing up the population into smaller groups and randomly sampling from each group whereas the cluster sample involves dividing up a population into smaller groups and then only sampling one of the groups. The multistage sampling refers to sampling a set of geographic areas and then sampling a subset of areas within those areas.


You can also use the nonprobability sampling for what is data collection. However, you use these methods if your survey research aims at specific individuals. Purposive samples are nonprobability methods where you purposely select individuals to survey. Here you also get to select volunteers. Other nonprobablity methods include haphazard sampling where you survey individuals who can be reached easily and quota sampling where you select individuals based on a set of quota. 


After you have decided on your sampling method, you can now administer your survey. Administering your survey concerns how you are going to get your questionnaire answered. Before you begin what is data collection, you have to schedule when you will conduct your survey and how long it is going to take.


Processing and analyzing your survey results follow after you have conducted what is data collection. You can process your results by making charts and graphs. For example, you can make a response rate graph of your mail-out survey. After processing your results, you analyze them through a computer program. There are computer programs that you can use to help you analyze your data.

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