Saturday, August 6, 2011

Can You Bust Through Your Personal 4-Minute Mile?

I am sure you have heard of the Four Minute Mile and the story behind it.

Everyone thought it was impossible until Roger Bannister made the breakthrough. Since then it has been broken over and over again and is now the standard for all professional middle distance runners.

In fact, over the past 50 years it has been lowered by seventeen seconds.

Now let's take a moment to look into the psychology of this and what it means to your business.

Because I think this is valid in any capacity.

For instance, I've got this spin cricket game on my iPhone which I am addicted to, to my own detriment.

Anyway, on Saturday night I was trying to crack the 100 in 10 overs score.

I had tried and tried and tried.

Often reaching 97, 96, 88... but just couldn't seem to make that breakthrough.

But when I finally did, I made 114.

And I am sure I will beat it again and again now that I have gotten my way past that psychological barrier.

Anyway, it's the same in the business world isn't it.

There was a time when I was paid $15 or $20 an hour.

I doubled my wage with a single job and felt like a fraud.

Now I look back on that and think: "What was I doing charging so little?"

My point is that once you have a breakthrough in your business, it's very very difficult to move backwards.

And that's why you should focus your energy on achieving breakthroughs.

For instance, let's say you wrote an ad tomorrow which allowed you to have people chasing you rather than you chasing them to do business...

How would that change your life?

What if it added 20%... 30%... 50% or 80% onto your bottom line?

Would you ever turn back and go back to the old ways?

No way?

How about if you applied a strategy about joint ventures and found a way of getting other businesses to happily refer clients they have relationships with to you.

So that you automatically had trust as soon as you got a new prospect?

Would you go back to the old way of doing things?

Or would you change your ways... and your income and enjoyment levels of doing business... forever?

The bottom line is this...

Our mental barriers stop us from jumping to the levels which are possible.

But once we surpass those mental barriers it is virtually impossible to go back.

That's why wealthy people can lose everything and make it back again in record time.

They have already achieved great success and they know and believe they can do it again.

Doing it the first time is always the hardest.

So with that in mind...

What are you going to do this week to move your business to the next level?

What will you do to instigate that breakthrough?

Focus on that. I certainly will be.

... because once you breakthrough, you achieve more than that breakthrough.

You get the confidence... the knowledge... and you internalise the fact that you can do it over and over and over again.

And that, my friend, is better than money in the bank.

About the Author

Scott Bywater is a direct response copywriter with extensive experience in B2B and B2C writing. Mr Bywater is the author of Cash-Flow Advertising and More Customers Made Easy. You can gain access to his copywriting and marketing tips via his entertaining and eye opening Copywriting Selling Secrets newsletter available at

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